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[twenty twenty-four post one six two]: behindiness

centaur 0

Super far behind, because we’re in “the stretch” leading up to Embodied AI Five – which also happens to be the week of a site visit at one of my consulting clients. So, this past Monday, I met with them online, took care of some Neurodiversiverse stuff, met friends for dinner, then started packing to fly.

And, while I did draw, I forgot to blog. Mucha-girl disapproves.

Still, blogging every day, even if I have to backfill.

-the Centaur

Pictured: Detail of Alphonse Mucha’s poster for Princess Hyacinth, incorporating, when you look more closely, a disturbingly strong right arm on the princess there – in my mind, probably symbolizing both her father, the blacksmith, and probably echoing Mucha’s pro-Slavic symbolic interest in the goddess Slavia.

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