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[twenty twenty-four post one six three]: paranoia will ensure ya

centaur 0

Okay, I was flying Tuesday, so I’m just going to pretend this was an abbreviated post, something something busy busy something something flying to Vancouver something something robot consulting.

At least I didn’t try to fly on an expired passport … this time. Strange how paranoid a mistake can make you! Like how I missed a flight – two days in a row – trying to leave London, ~30 years ago, the first time due to my mistake, the second due to a train stoppage, so I now try to go to airports ~2 hours early … and missing my flight to Comic-Con due to traffic made me paranoid enough to leave ~3 hours early in LA’s rush hour traffic so I’d have time to make it through any unexpected snafus with my international flight.

But that paranoia got me there safely and on time … this time.

-the Centaur

Pictured: Me, at some event in 2015 … wait, I owned this scarf in 2015???

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