Hi, I’m Anthony Francis, and I teach robots to learn, particularly deep reinforcement learning for robot navigation as well as the intersection of memory, emotion, and planning for contextual control.
I write urban fantasy about a woman who can bring her tattoos to life and steampunk about women scientists and adventurers, as well as space opera featuring a young centauress explorer. I also draw a webcomic about a girl who can travel to any possible story.
On this site, I also have resources on how to become a better writer, on how to overcome writer’s block, on the science of airships, my thoughts on how religion intersects with artificial intelligence, and even a collection of recipes and thoughts on food.
If you’re looking for a good place to get started, my first novel, FROST MOON, won an EPIC Ebook award, and my team’s work on PRM-RL won the ICRA 2018 Best Paper Award. Otherwise, I hope while you are here in the Library that you find something informative, interesting or at least entertaining!
-the Centaur
P.S. This is a “sticky” post designed to introduce the blog; keep scrolling down for more recent content, or check out the site menu, tags or categories to explore more.