I love San Francisco. In many ways, the city has become a mess since I first started visiting it twenty-five years ago, but in others it has not changed: you can go around the corner and find a quirky bit of history, like a restaurant mentioned in a Sam Spade novel that has the actual Maltese Falcon on display.
And, allegedly, that’s what Sam Spade ate – lamb chops with baked potato and sliced tomatoes. I’ll pass on the coffee and cigarettes, thanks, but it was a perfectly nice little meal. John’s Grill is a tight space as viewed from above, but it uses every ounce of available floorspace quite efficiently:
The Falcon itself is on the second floor. Forgive me for not coming up with some pun about “The Last Millenium’s Falcon” or some such, it’s late and I have a presentation to work on for the AAAI Spring Symposium next week. But just so you don’t miss it … well, you can’t miss it:
Ah, San Francisco, and John’s Grill. I won’t say never change, but some things should stay the same.
Since 1908, indeed.
-the Centaur