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[twenty twenty-four day one three four]: victory condition

centaur 0

Wow, the Neurodiversiverse Kickstarter not only got funded, we reached our first stretch goal – bookmarks!

We had hoped to reach postcards or even the audiobook, but this was a great achievement, and I’ll take it. Not only did we take in almost $9K to help pay our authors and defray other costs in the book, but also a hundred and eighty people backed and another hundred bookmarked the campaign. Which means that over two hundred fifty people liked it … and probably ten times as many looked at it. Mission accomplished!

Next up, finishing the ARC (the preliminary version of the book for industry and sensitivity reader review).


Pictured: Graphics from the Kickstarter, which were not only fun to do but taught me a lot, and an Old Fashioned from Select restaurant in Greer.

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