I now FREELY admit that what I’m doing with the blog is posting, as much as possible, easy posts so I can get ahead on my buffer. Legendary cartoonist Bill Holbrook started the longest running daily webcomic, Kevin and Kell, after he’d built up a multi-week buffer, a process he’s still continuing today.
SO! I find it better if I bunch up posts so that I am working on the same thing for a while – this is not just better for mental focus, but also for dealing with problems with your computing infrastructure (it is REALLY frustrating to try to do a quick post when the internet decides to gum the fuck up).
And therefore, I’m doing short, brief posts on the blog, while I build up a library of longer posts, hoping that at some point I’ll get a rhythm where I’m always 2-3 days ahead, and can thus put the effort into new posts that is harder to come by when it is 145am and you need to both blog, draw, shower, and let the cat in.
-the Centaur
Pictured: the late night ritual: eat some pound cake, drink some soy milk, read a difficult book. Currently, I’m working through Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, a book which is available online, and has been almost as useful to me as Probability Theory: The Logic of Science, also online.
UPDATE: This was actually day 54. So I was ahead of where I thought I was.